Enable Finder to Show or Hide Invisible Files and Folders on Mac | SJB -->

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Enable Finder to Show or Hide Invisible Files and Folders on Mac

Some people have no clue that there are a huge range of hidden files and folders on their Mac OS X. Apple likes to keep things easy for users by hiding them. This is good for newcomers but keeping files hidden is very tedious for experienced users who is looking to tweak and fine-tune the Mac. So, how do you reveal hidden files on your Mac? Well, we can use our Terminal or third party software. I personally prefer Terminal. Ok then Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder. At the prompt, enter or paste the following command lines one by one then press RETURN.

     defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

     killall Finder
To turn off the display of invisible files and folders enter or paste the following command lines one by one and press RETURN.
     defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

     killall Finder

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